The ld-header
component contains a logo, a site name and slots for additional custom content, like a menu, buttons, search input or anything else. Slots can be used to place content left or right of the logo and site name, or on the very right side of the header. The ld-header
component takes care of the following:
You can easily make the header sticky and make it hide when the user is scrolling down by using the sticky
and hide-on-scroll
<ld-header site-name="Liquid Oxygen"></ld-header>
<header class="ld-header">
<div class="ld-header__container">
<svg aria-label="Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany" class="ld-header__logo ld-icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.5921 7H19.1a.2882.2882 0 0 0-.1926.076l-2.9895 2.7586c-1.0241.9456-2.4024 1.4765-3.9177 1.4765-1.5796 0-3.0088-.5797-4.0444-1.5964 0 0-2.199-2.0294-2.2179-2.0477A2.5535 2.5535 0 0 0 4.0665 7h-1.785C2.126 7 2 7.1239 2 7.2766v7.7509c0 .765.6301 1.3843 1.4083 1.3843h.9133c.1564 0 .2831-.1249.2831-.2783l.0007-2.7582c0-.7208.5987-1.3155 1.3204-1.3155 1.3434 0 2.3067 1.1309 3.177 1.8863 1.0661.9254 1.8871 1.8169 2.8974 1.8169 1.0092 0 1.8306-.8915 2.8966-1.8169.8707-.7554 1.834-1.8863 3.1767-1.8863.718 0 1.3137.5887 1.3208 1.3039v1.6638c0 .765.6305 1.3829 1.4089 1.3829h.6079c.1588 0 .3061.0014.3061.0014.1561 0 .2828-.1249.2828-.2779V8.3842C22 7.6196 21.3692 7 20.5921 7Z" fill="currentcolor"/></svg>
<div class="ld-header_site-name ld-typo--h5">Liquid Oxygen</div>
<ld-header site-name="Liquid Oxygen" logo-title="Home" logo-url="#"></ld-header>
<header class="ld-header">
<div class="ld-header__container">
<a aria-label="Home" class="ld-header__logo-wrapper" href="#">
<svg class="ld-header__logo ld-icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.5921 7H19.1a.2882.2882 0 0 0-.1926.076l-2.9895 2.7586c-1.0241.9456-2.4024 1.4765-3.9177 1.4765-1.5796 0-3.0088-.5797-4.0444-1.5964 0 0-2.199-2.0294-2.2179-2.0477A2.5535 2.5535 0 0 0 4.0665 7h-1.785C2.126 7 2 7.1239 2 7.2766v7.7509c0 .765.6301 1.3843 1.4083 1.3843h.9133c.1564 0 .2831-.1249.2831-.2783l.0007-2.7582c0-.7208.5987-1.3155 1.3204-1.3155 1.3434 0 2.3067 1.1309 3.177 1.8863 1.0661.9254 1.8871 1.8169 2.8974 1.8169 1.0092 0 1.8306-.8915 2.8966-1.8169.8707-.7554 1.834-1.8863 3.1767-1.8863.718 0 1.3137.5887 1.3208 1.3039v1.6638c0 .765.6305 1.3829 1.4089 1.3829h.6079c.1588 0 .3061.0014.3061.0014.1561 0 .2828-.1249.2828-.2779V8.3842C22 7.6196 21.3692 7 20.5921 7Z" fill="currentcolor"/></svg>
<div class="ld-header_site-name ld-typo--h5">Liquid Oxygen</div>
<ld-header logo-title="Rocket Inc." site-name="Rocket Science">
<ld-icon name="rocket" size="lg" slot="logo"></ld-icon>
<header class="ld-header">
<div class="ld-header__container">
<svg aria-label="Rocket Inc." class="ld-icon ld-icon--lg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="m16.9524 14.422.0379.0948c.6824 1.4596.3791 3.2036-.7773 4.36l-1.6492 1.6492c-.3602.3792-.9857.2654-1.2132-.2085l-1.2322-2.6729-1.4407.9099c-.3602.2086-.8152.1517-1.0995-.1327l-3.981-3.9809a.8934.8934 0 0 1-.1326-1.0995l.9099-1.4407-2.673-1.2322c-.4738-.2085-.5876-.834-.2084-1.2132L5.1423 7.806c1.1564-1.1374 2.8814-1.4597 4.36-.7773l.0759.019c4.4927-4.2463 8.7039-3.882 10.2773-3.6924A.726.726 0 0 1 20.5 4c.1896 1.5734.6987 5.9292-3.5476 10.422zm-3.7345-6.4833c-.7962.7962-.7962 2.0663 0 2.8625.7962.7773 2.0852.7773 2.8624 0 .7773-.7962.7962-2.0663 0-2.8624-.7961-.7962-2.0662-.7962-2.8624 0zm-7.6587 10.161c0 .2085.1706.3601.3602.3601.0415-.0023.0866-.0046.135-.0071.3502-.0178.8746-.0446 1.4573-.1445l1.3468.626c.0661.0308.0778.1198.0206.1651-1.5787 1.253-3.6632 1.2568-4.7117 1.2587a17.4489 17.4489 0 0 0-.3072.0022c-.2085 0-.3602-.1706-.3602-.3602l.0021-.1117c.0174-.9543.0564-3.0902 1.399-4.7683a.098.098 0 0 1 .1651.0204l.6447 1.3669c-.1138.6635-.1517 1.2511-.1517 1.5924z" fill="currentcolor"/></svg>
<div class="ld-header_site-name ld-typo--h5">Rocket Science</div>
<ld-typo tag="div" variant="h5">
Liquid<span class="hide-on-sm"> Oxygen</span>
<ld-button id="register" slot="end" type="button">
<ld-icon name="pen" size="sm"></ld-icon>
<ld-button id="login-sm" mode="ghost" slot="end" title="Login" type="button">
<ld-icon aria-label="Login" name="user" size="lg"></ld-icon>
<ld-button id="login-lg" mode="secondary" slot="end" type="button">
<ld-icon name="user" size="sm"></ld-icon>
.hide-on-sm {
display: none;
#register ld-icon {
display: none;
#login-lg {
display: none;
@media (min-width: 52rem) {
.hide-on-sm {
display: inline;
#register ld-icon {
display: block;
#login-sm {
display: none;
#login-lg {
display: block;
<header class="ld-header">
<div class="ld-header__container">
<svg aria-label="Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany" class="ld-header__logo ld-icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.5921 7H19.1a.2882.2882 0 0 0-.1926.076l-2.9895 2.7586c-1.0241.9456-2.4024 1.4765-3.9177 1.4765-1.5796 0-3.0088-.5797-4.0444-1.5964 0 0-2.199-2.0294-2.2179-2.0477A2.5535 2.5535 0 0 0 4.0665 7h-1.785C2.126 7 2 7.1239 2 7.2766v7.7509c0 .765.6301 1.3843 1.4083 1.3843h.9133c.1564 0 .2831-.1249.2831-.2783l.0007-2.7582c0-.7208.5987-1.3155 1.3204-1.3155 1.3434 0 2.3067 1.1309 3.177 1.8863 1.0661.9254 1.8871 1.8169 2.8974 1.8169 1.0092 0 1.8306-.8915 2.8966-1.8169.8707-.7554 1.834-1.8863 3.1767-1.8863.718 0 1.3137.5887 1.3208 1.3039v1.6638c0 .765.6305 1.3829 1.4089 1.3829h.6079c.1588 0 .3061.0014.3061.0014.1561 0 .2828-.1249.2828-.2779V8.3842C22 7.6196 21.3692 7 20.5921 7Z" fill="currentcolor"/></svg>
<div class="ld-header_site-name ld-header__grow ld-typo--h5">
Liquid<span class="hide-on-sm"> Oxygen</span>
<button class="ld-button ld-button--brand-color ld-button--sm" id="register" type="button">
<svg class="ld-icon ld-icon--sm" role="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.6192 15.1453a3.806 3.806 0 0 1 1.5674.3358c.4564.2056 1.0133.1824 1.3673-.1716L19.4353 4.4282c.4358-.4358.3698-1.1738-.227-1.3275A3.1966 3.1966 0 0 0 18.4098 3c-.5539 0-1.074.2154-1.4654.6068L5.5567 14.9944c-.0557.0557-.0163.1509.0625.1509zm.3803 1.3126H5.154a.5.5 0 0 0-.485.3787l-.639 2.5557c-.0894.3571.0277.6916.2536.9168.2252.2259.5597.3428.916.2536l2.5565-.639a.5.5 0 0 0 .3787-.4851v-.8455c0-1.1772-.958-2.1352-2.1354-2.1352zM21.5923 6.1824c0 .5542-.2154 1.0744-.6068 1.4658L9.5979 19.036c-.0557.0556-.1508.0162-.1508-.0625a3.806 3.806 0 0 0-.3358-1.5673c-.2057-.4565-.1826-1.0135.1715-1.3675L20.1635 5.1582c.4362-.4362 1.1748-.3697 1.3285.2276a3.194 3.194 0 0 1 .1003.7966z" fill="currentcolor"/></svg>
<button class="ld-button ld-button--brand-color ld-button--ghost ld-button--sm ld-button--icon-only" id="login-sm" title="Login" type="button">
<svg aria-label="Login" class="ld-icon ld-icon--lg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.9315 2C9.4767 2 7.455 3.6606 7.455 6.8376c0 2.0938.9386 4.1877 2.2383 5.4873.4332 1.1552-.4332 1.8051-.5776 1.8773-2.5993.9386-5.6318 2.6714-5.6318 4.3321v.6498c0 2.2383 4.4043 2.7437 8.4476 2.8159 4.1156-.0722 8.5199-.5776 8.5199-2.8159v-.6498c0-1.6607-3.0325-3.3935-5.6318-4.3321-.2166-.0722-1.083-.7221-.5776-1.8773 1.2996-1.2996 2.2383-3.3935 2.2383-5.4873C16.4803 3.6606 14.3864 2 11.9315 2z" fill="currentcolor"/></svg>
<button class="ld-button ld-button--brand-color ld-button--secondary ld-button--sm" id="login-lg" type="button">
<svg class="ld-icon ld-icon--sm" role="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.9315 2C9.4767 2 7.455 3.6606 7.455 6.8376c0 2.0938.9386 4.1877 2.2383 5.4873.4332 1.1552-.4332 1.8051-.5776 1.8773-2.5993.9386-5.6318 2.6714-5.6318 4.3321v.6498c0 2.2383 4.4043 2.7437 8.4476 2.8159 4.1156-.0722 8.5199-.5776 8.5199-2.8159v-.6498c0-1.6607-3.0325-3.3935-5.6318-4.3321-.2166-.0722-1.083-.7221-.5776-1.8773 1.2996-1.2996 2.2383-3.3935 2.2383-5.4873C16.4803 3.6606 14.3864 2 11.9315 2z" fill="currentcolor"/></svg>
.hide-on-sm {
display: none;
#register .ld-icon {
display: none;
#login-lg {
display: none;
@media (min-width: 52rem) {
.hide-on-sm {
display: inline;
#register .ld-icon {
display: block;
#login-sm {
display: none;
#login-lg {
display: grid;
<ld-header site-name="Liquid Oxygen">
<ld-button mode="ghost" slot="start" title="Open menu" type="button">
<ld-icon aria-label="Open menu" name="burger-menu" size="lg"></ld-icon>
<header class="ld-header">
<div class="ld-header__container">
<button class="ld-button ld-button--brand-color ld-button--ghost ld-button--sm ld-button--icon-only" title="Open menu" type="button">
<svg aria-label="Open menu" class="ld-icon ld-icon--lg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><rect x="5" y="6" width="14" height="2" rx="1" fill="currentcolor"/><rect x="5" y="11" width="14" height="2" rx="1" fill="currentcolor"/><rect x="5" y="16" width="14" height="2" rx="1" fill="currentcolor"/></svg>
<svg aria-label="Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany" class="ld-header__logo ld-icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.5921 7H19.1a.2882.2882 0 0 0-.1926.076l-2.9895 2.7586c-1.0241.9456-2.4024 1.4765-3.9177 1.4765-1.5796 0-3.0088-.5797-4.0444-1.5964 0 0-2.199-2.0294-2.2179-2.0477A2.5535 2.5535 0 0 0 4.0665 7h-1.785C2.126 7 2 7.1239 2 7.2766v7.7509c0 .765.6301 1.3843 1.4083 1.3843h.9133c.1564 0 .2831-.1249.2831-.2783l.0007-2.7582c0-.7208.5987-1.3155 1.3204-1.3155 1.3434 0 2.3067 1.1309 3.177 1.8863 1.0661.9254 1.8871 1.8169 2.8974 1.8169 1.0092 0 1.8306-.8915 2.8966-1.8169.8707-.7554 1.834-1.8863 3.1767-1.8863.718 0 1.3137.5887 1.3208 1.3039v1.6638c0 .765.6305 1.3829 1.4089 1.3829h.6079c.1588 0 .3061.0014.3061.0014.1561 0 .2828-.1249.2828-.2779V8.3842C22 7.6196 21.3692 7 20.5921 7Z" fill="currentcolor"/></svg>
<div class="ld-header_site-name ld-typo--h5">Liquid Oxygen</div>
You can add the sticky
property to the ld-header
web component, to make the component stick to the top of the page.
<ld-header site-name="Liquid Oxygen" sticky></ld-header>
<!-- Add the class `ld-header--hidden` to hide the sticky header. -->
<header class="ld-header ld-header--sticky">
<div class="ld-header__container">
<svg aria-label="Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany" class="ld-header__logo ld-icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.5921 7H19.1a.2882.2882 0 0 0-.1926.076l-2.9895 2.7586c-1.0241.9456-2.4024 1.4765-3.9177 1.4765-1.5796 0-3.0088-.5797-4.0444-1.5964 0 0-2.199-2.0294-2.2179-2.0477A2.5535 2.5535 0 0 0 4.0665 7h-1.785C2.126 7 2 7.1239 2 7.2766v7.7509c0 .765.6301 1.3843 1.4083 1.3843h.9133c.1564 0 .2831-.1249.2831-.2783l.0007-2.7582c0-.7208.5987-1.3155 1.3204-1.3155 1.3434 0 2.3067 1.1309 3.177 1.8863 1.0661.9254 1.8871 1.8169 2.8974 1.8169 1.0092 0 1.8306-.8915 2.8966-1.8169.8707-.7554 1.834-1.8863 3.1767-1.8863.718 0 1.3137.5887 1.3208 1.3039v1.6638c0 .765.6305 1.3829 1.4089 1.3829h.6079c.1588 0 .3061.0014.3061.0014.1561 0 .2828-.1249.2828-.2779V8.3842C22 7.6196 21.3692 7 20.5921 7Z" fill="currentcolor"/></svg>
<div class="ld-header_site-name ld-typo--h5">Liquid Oxygen</div>
position: sticky;
is used here to achieve this behavior, the ld-header
"sticks" to its nearest ancestor that has a "scrolling mechanism" (created when overflow is hidden, scroll, auto, or overlay), even if that ancestor isn't the nearest actually scrolling ancestor. So you need to take care of where you place the ld-header
in the DOM.
If you want the header to hide (slide up behind the top of the window) when the user is scrolling down, you can add the hide-on-scroll
prop to the ld-header
web component. With this prop set, the header will hide when scrolling down and show again, when scrolling up.
Variable | Description | Default |
--ld-header-height |
Height of the ld-header component. |
3.125rem |
--ld-header-max-width |
Max width that the header content expands to. | 90rem |
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
hidden |
hidden |
Hides header. | boolean |
false |
hideOnScroll |
hide-on-scroll |
Hide the header when the user scrolls down and show it again, when the user scrolls up. | boolean |
false |
key |
key |
for tracking the node's identity when working with lists | string | number |
undefined |
logoTitle |
logo-title |
Title attribute of the logo link. | string |
undefined |
logoUrl |
logo-url |
URL that the logo links to. | string |
undefined |
ref |
ref |
reference to component | any |
undefined |
siteName |
site-name |
Name shown on the right side of the logo. | string |
undefined |
sticky |
sticky |
Make the header sticky. | boolean |
false |
Slot | Description |
"end" |
Items on the right side of the header. |
"logo" |
Custom logo. |
"start" |
Items on the left side of the header. |
Part | Description |
"container" |
Actual header element that limits the width of the header content |
"logo" |
The default logo |
"logo-wrapper" |
The element wrapping the logo slot (div or anchor, if linked) |
"site-name" |
ld-typo element containing the site name |
"spacer" |
Element adding the space between the default slot and the end slot |
graph TD;
ld-header --> ld-icon
ld-header --> ld-typo
style ld-header fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px